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The Filipino American Community at Stanford (FACS) is a civic, cultural, and educational campus entity aimed at bringing together staff at Stanford who are interested in centering F/Pilipino/a/x and F/Pilipino/a/x American culture and issues, building community, and supporting the diversity initiatives on campus. FACS provides an opportunity for members to gain experience in leading groups and to build skills in leadership and organization that staff might not otherwise have in their current job. FACS is also a community of staffers that share common interest in the Philippines and wish to build community here at Stanford.

FACS works closely with the Stanford Diversity and Access Office, the Pilipino American Student Union (PASU), Asian American Activities Center, Bechtel International Center, Office for Religious and Spiritual Life, and other staff affinity groups.

FACS members on car in SF Parade

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Call for FACS Leaders group picture

Call for FACS Leaders

FACS Articles



One of his crowning achievements was his role as the architect behind the rebuilding of the Antipolo Cathedral, which had been destroyed in 1945 during World War II. Completed in 1954, it stood as a testament to his talent, resilience, and faith. 


A Cafecito Merienda Afternoon with FACS and LRSA

When traveling with your family and passing by a church, do you all subconsciously make the sign of the cross with your hand? Our LatinX colleagues make the same hand gesture, too!