In an effort to foster unity, cooperation, harmony and goodwill among employees of Filipino-American descent at Stanford University, Stanford Redwood City, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and Stanford Health Care a handful of staff members formed the Filipino-American Community at Stanford (FACS) in 1988. Raquel Soriano was the first President of FACS, but resigned few months before her term ended(later part of 1989). Rudy Nasol, the first Vice President then, assumed the Presidency few months prior to the next FACS regular election. Lerma J. Co was elected president in 1990, followed by Modesto Jordana (1991), Ador Escoto (1992), Tito Gervacio (Jan'93-Dec'94), Ador Escoto (Jan'95-Aug'96) and Tessie Boado (Sep'96-Aug'98).
Like many other ethnic staff groups at Stanford, FACS works to provide its constituents with avenues to enhance their careers in this institution as well as opportunities to further develop their cultural identity. The Filipino workforce at Stanford is quite diverse in educational training, job function, dialects spoken, regional origin, as well as political interests. FACS works to promote the Filipino culture, build community awareness, and instill a sense of rootedness and pride among Filipino and Filipino Americans to strengthen our commitment to the educational process at Stanford.
In line with Stanford University's mission of providing an atmosphere of excellence in which to foster the growth of potential leaders of the community and country, FACS seeks to harness the collective energies of its membership to aid the University in realizing its mission.
The majority of events and activities sponsored by FACS revolve around the cultural uniqueness of the Filipino people. We believe that the existence of our group adds a beautiful patch to the educational mosaic called Stanford. Further, FACS continuously sustains its close relationship with the Office of Diversity and Access, the Asian American Activities Center, Office of Religious Life, Pilipino American Student Union (PASU), the Haas Center for Public Services and other Staff Groups on education, career development and multicultural issues. FACS also co-sponsors events such as the Multicultural Spring Festival (Staff Appreciation Day) and API Heritage Month Lunch.
FACS commits itself to fostering excellence in its membership and wishes to grow with Stanford. We want to share the talents of our constituency and further extend our camaraderie to outside community organizations in promoting community services in California and in the Philippines.